Understanding and
deepening improvisation
April 10. - 13, 2020 / Understanding and deepening improvisation / Dance Improvisation

FR: 12 – 18h, SA – MO: 10 – 18h (1h break)
Free Waldorf School Rieselfeld, Ingeborg – Drewitz – Allee 1, 79111 Freiburg
320.- €
Improvisational techniques; essential qualities in dance improvisation such as listening, point of concentration, no – hesitation; Ensemble work; Improv as a school of awareness and presence; joint research. What makes a performance exciting for me (as a dancer, as a spectator)? What concerns me in the movement? What do I learn in or through Improv?
Open to people with good previous experience in dance / contact / theater or movement improvisation.
Techniques and subtleties of dance improvisation / improvisation as a presence and awareness practice INNER FREEDOM IN ACTION
In a world that is almost always about doing, thinking ahead and making arrangements, improvisation teaches us to be in the moment, to feel INSIDE, to listen to OUTSIDE. What does it mean to be right at the moment? Can it be described in words? In order to find out, dance improvisations with a few agreed rules or restrictions, so-called “scores”, are extremely helpful because they “force” us to take a closer look at anything. As well as basic improvisation techniques, e.g. Imitating and contrasting, point of concentration, use of space etc. (which you can finally let go of).
In this project, we, Pia and Chetan, want to pass on our many years of experience with improvisation on a technical as well as spiritual level and do research with you to make Improv exciting and touching for us. What opens it up to us, where it challenges us? Dance improvisation can be an access to very touching moments, even touching states of mind. Completely unplanned and surprisingly we discover the depths of our being human. Sometimes unmasking, sometimes hilarious, almost always awakening. Improvisation is a very immediate field of experience. If we can use it as such, we can learn a lot about ourselves and go back to life with a deeper understanding of being human.
July 18 - 19, 2020 / Understanding and deepening improvisation / Dance Improvisation

SA 12 – 18h, SU 10 – 18h (1h break)
Leimen bei Heidelberg (Ki Dojo)
Improvisational techniques; essential qualities in dance improvisation such as listening, point of concentration, no – hesitation; Ensemble work; Improv as a school of awareness and presence; joint research. What makes a performance exciting for me (as a dancer, as a spectator)? What concerns me in the movement? What do I learn in or through Improv?
Open to people with good previous experience in dance / contact / theater or movement improvisation.
Techniques and subtleties of dance improvisation / improvisation as a presence and awareness practice INNER FREEDOM IN ACTION
In a world that is almost always about doing, thinking ahead and making arrangements, improvisation teaches us to be in the moment, to feel INSIDE, to listen to OUTSIDE. What does it mean to be right at the moment? Can it be described in words? In order to find out, dance improvisations with a few agreed rules or restrictions, so-called “scores”, are extremely helpful because they “force” us to take a closer look at anything. As well as basic improvisation techniques, e.g. Imitating and contrasting, point of concentration, use of space etc. (which you can finally let go of).
In this project, we, Pia and Chetan, want to pass on our many years of experience with improvisation on a technical as well as spiritual level and do research with you to make Improv exciting and touching for us. What opens it up to us, where it challenges us? Dance improvisation can be an access to very touching moments, even touching states of mind. Completely unplanned and surprisingly we discover the depths of our being human. Sometimes unmasking, sometimes hilarious, almost always awakening. Improvisation is a very immediate field of experience. If we can use it as such, we can learn a lot about ourselves and go back to life with a deeper understanding of being human.