Summer Retreat Spain

The deposit of € 450 on the total price (fees see course description) is due immediately, the rest up to four weeks before the start of the project. This registration is only valid with a deposit. If you cancel up to 6 weeks before the start of the project, the down payment remains with the organizer. If you cancel beforehand, € 160 will be retained. The participant is hereby informed that the organizer reserves the right to use images, video and audio recordings on which the participant can be seen and heard for public advertising purposes such as Internet, press or flyer. No liability is assumed for damage to property and health. Participation in the course and stay in Arlequí at your own risk. I have read the registration and participation conditions and accept them when I send them.

More information on data protection in the Datenschutzerklärung.

Transfer fee to the following account:

Pia André
IBAN: DE89 6805 0101 0002 1130 43