Moving on the edge
You like to use dance and martial arts to nourish yourself and your life and to better master it?
You like to integrate stick fighting and dance into your field of work, teach yourself and find joy in artistic expression?
You like to strengthen your self-confidence and get more into your strength, be healthier, fitter and more creative?
Join us!
Dance and martial arts are traditionally close together. We always move at this limit and thus expand our range of motion, flexibility and spontaneity. Through exercises from the art of stick fighting, we experience and deepen our possibilities for aggression, strength and directness. The lightness of the dance inspires and nourishes us.
We develop different ways to dance and fight based on the principles of gravity, momentum, breath and center. We explore commonalities in dance and combative contact and find harmony in movement.
We are fast and slow, serious and playful, wild and gentle, sometimes acrobatic and upside down and then centered again and with both feet on the ground.
We work on our energy and presence. Grounding oneself and centering enable alert, clear reactions. Through improvisation and (playful) fighting, we deal with softness and self-assertion, trust and demarcation.
In the training we systematically explore the common principles of martial arts and dance, such as space, time, balance and the resulting distance, angle and level, timing and rhythm.
Module two: Annual Training DFG 2024
- Oct 05. – 06.
- Oct 31. – Nov 03. 4 – day Intensiv
- Nov 23. – 24.
Sa and/or 12:00 – 18:00 h
Su 10:00 – 16:00 h
690.- €
Freie Waldorfschule Rieselfeld, Ingeborg – Drewitz – Allee 1, 79111 Freiburg im Breisgau